Beautifully Interesting Contradictions

“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” -Walt Whitman

NaBloPoMo’s theme this month is SELF, so since it’s free write day on Write Tribe’s Festival of Words-3, I’m going with the prompt today:

Monday, March 3, 2013
Tell us five interesting things about yourself.

1. I get bored easily which causes me to hop from one thing 
        to the next.

I have worked as a waitress, typist, dress store manager, restaurant manager, secretary/payroll/bookkeeper, loan closer, assistant buyer for a retail store, substitute teacher, middle school and high school teacher, and high school coach. I have absolutely loved all of those jobs except one. My current position is the longest I have stuck with any one thing. My job is different every day, though.

2. Despite what number one says, I thrive in situations where
        routines and schedules exist.

I need a calendar and a to-do list. I need to know how things are going to happen and when. Schedules are important. If they don’t exist,  I will get nothing done.

I like to know who is going to do what. When I know what my role is, I will rock it. When I know what your role is, I will leave you to it.

3. I am afraid of heights, speed, and anything dangerous. I
        crave safety and control.

You won’t catch me hanging over the safety rail, rushing to get the front seat on a thrill ride, waving my hands in the air, or screaming. I hold my emotions tight inside and present cool, calm, and collected even when I’m coming unglued. 

I can’t let go and just have fun. That would be a loss of control. I need to feel in control. Even if that means not having fun. I literally have to CHOOSE to have fun by choosing to give up control. It doesn’t happen often, but…

4. Did you pay attention to number 3? I have gone skydiving, 
        I ride roller coasters, and if someone tells me I can’t or
        shouldn’t, well, I will. 

I refuse to be held captive by my fears. I know what I’m afraid of and why for many of them. I acknowledge the fear and do it anyway. 

One time someone laughed when I said I was thinking of doing a half-marathon. Since then I’ve done two.

I refuse to be held back. By fear. By ability. By someone else’s opinion.

5. I can do pretty much anything short-term, but long-term 
        commitments terrify me.

Why, oh why, can’t I keep the weight off? 

This girl can rock a healthy eating plan that has a start date and an end date. But you better believe I’m having a piece of cake and some ice cream on that end date!

I can exercise on a schedule with a start and end date and a goal in mind. I can complete eight week classes when I focus on the fact that it’s eight weeks. I can meet a deadline at work by convincing myself I can do anything for xxx amount of hours, days, etc.

I don’t do long-term goals. Ever. I get bored. I can’t see past the next few weeks. I can do ANYTHING for a short amount of time, but for a year? Five years? Ten years? 

Yeah, I just broke out in a cold sweat.

      So, now that you know how NOT interesting I am, perhaps you could tell me a few interesting things about you in the comments! On your mark, get set, GO!

I'm taking part in the Write Tribe Festival of Words -3

photo credit: maubrowncow via photopin cc

4 responses to this post.

  1. WOW – your 5 things closely mirror mine! Infact, I've held many of the same jobs!!!!! I also love structure. Bring on the cake and icecream (though I prefer chocolate!) Thanks for sharing


  2. Mmm cake and ice-cream. Together. I'm the same – I get bored easily, yet I love routine!


  3. Posted by Sophie Bowns on March 4, 2014 at 9:32 AM

    I can really relate to 2,3 and 5!


  4. Long term stuff can be scary, I so agree.


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